Heather Negin

5 rules for shopping for Mom’s winter coat


5 EASY RULES to help YOU stay sane when buying Mom’s new winter coat

Who doesn’t love having something new and cozy to wear each winter?
Even our elderly Moms need a new winter coat every so often!
But we know that shopping for a coat can be quite a task. So buckle up!

Luckily we’ve got choices:
* Sometimes coat shopping together WITH MOM can be a sweet bonding experience
* And sometimes you doing coat-shopping FOR MOM can be equally fun…

But this isn’t always the case……

Here are some of the reasons why the joy often runs out and turns the whole adventure into a darn right frustrating experience for all!
* Buying the ‘right size’ can be a hit and miss affair
* Sometimes Mom really isn’t very cooperative
* Sometimes she can be so fussy
* She’s so slow at putting on and taking off each coat
* She’s only looking for a real deal
* And she can be soooooo indecisive.


It can certainly tax one’s patience to the absolute limit.
We may think…UGH what a pain the whole shopping adventure is turning out to be!
And this makes us want to avoid shopping for her altogether.

It’s no wonder, that when dealing with Mom’s shopping, we feel conflicted:
We love the idea but may hate the process!

****** Well I’ve got good news for you. It’s time to rethink YOUR whole shopping purpose and plan ********

I’m going to tell you YOUR 2 key choices and then take YOU through my 5 simple steps..easy as pie.

Your CHOICE #1:
Decide IF the shlep to the mall or store will really work out well for Mom…. AND for you.
Consider ALL of the following key points …. the best time for this outing on a specific day, Mom’s ability to get dressed and ready for the shopping outing, your transportation method and her access to the mall/store, the amount of physical and mental effort that shopping demands from each of you… your available time, YOUR ability to be a patient shopper….AND very importantly, consider how you’ll BOTH feel during and after the whole shopping excursion.

And here’s the truth: If ANY of the demands on EITHER of you are predicted to be too much, then…
…..simply give yourself permission to skip directly to choice #2
Because being a martyr isn’t cool!
And turning nasty is even less cool!


Here’s CHOICE #2:
It’s perfectly fine to consider shopping FOR Mom, either in-person or on-line, as long as there is a 100% guaranteed return policy.
Remember that a tempting bargain sale price will turn out to be a complete waste of money if the garment you choose isn’t right!
And we all know that sizes are anything but standard!
And Mom can sometimes be difficult to please!

SO IF you’re truly in the mood for being a shopping hero, and you decide to opt for CHOICE #1 and TAKE MOM SHOPPING… here are my 5 simple golden rules to save you time, money and stress.

They will sweeten up the whole experience.

This may seem like a waste of time…but believe me it will be well worth your investment.
* Pop into your preferred store and check out the available merchandise.
* Have them keep a few suitable items on hold.
* Tell the friendliest sales associate you are coming back with your elderly Mom and that you will need a bit of help when shopping with her.

While we all feel capable, it’s best to share the ‘job’ with someone who can help make it hassle-free.
* Pick a family member, friend, or paid companion
* Establish this new shopping routine: a fun group shopping experience…that works now and for the future
* An extra pair of hands means someone is available to… wait with Mom, walk with Mom, help take Mom to the washroom, carry items, help with undressing/dressing, and support YOU with tender care


* You may as well expect some hitches along the way, so go with a good attitude
* Absolutely avoid the temptation to shop for yourself until her shopping is 100% completed!
* Reassure Mom, that her new coat will look lovely ( though it may be a bit different to her usual style or colour choice…because your plan addresses both her present needs and her future needs)

RULE #4: “JOSEPH’s COAT of many……”
* Choose a coat with a distinctive colour or pattern, so that it can easily be found when hanging with other’s plain black coats
* Choose a coat that is lighter-weight to wear or carry, and one that is not fussy to fasten
* Don’t forget to label Mom’s coat and hang it in a very prominent place at home

* Breathe deeply and smile lots, even if you feel like kvetching…it will save you from unnecessary wrinkles
* Take a few sweet treats with you, to keep all of you hydrated and happy
* Relax together at the end of the shopping adventure …even if that means enjoying Tim Horton’s in the car

So it’s not too late to plan Mom’s winter shopping adventure…along with a buddy, your best smile and a few dollars.
Have fun!